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March 18, 2009

Joe Sheare called the meeting to order at 8:17 p.m. via conference call.

Participants: Joe Sheare, Louis Napoli, Mike Bufano, John Foulkes, and Bob Siskind.

Board members absent: Tom Bell, James McDonald

1. Reading and Approval of the 2/18/2009 draft CDS Board Meeting Minutes and draft CDS Executive Committee Minutes. A motion to approve and accept both sets of minutes was made by John Foulkes and seconded by Bob Siskind. The motion passed unanimously.

2. Review of Financial Results: Review of the financials was not conducted due to the absence of a representative from Mann Properties at the meeting. However, based on the Balance Sheet provided by Mann Properties, the financials as of March 17, 2009 were as follows:

a. Checking $120,879
b. CD $ 50,319
c. Savings $ 6,459
d. Accounts Receivable

i. Condo Fees- $ 174
ii. Special Assessment $146,684


a. Front Side Renovation - Update. Joe mentioned that according to Walt Smelter (C/W Builders), the Front Side Renovation project will be completed on time. Joe discussed a particular item of interest, the replacement of the kitchen vents, which is part of the restoration. Joe stated that not all of the old kitchen vents had been replaced with the new vents. Joe said that C/W Builders orders the new vents in batches and sometimes delivery lags the points in time when they should be installed. However, Joe mentioned that not all unit owners may need new vents if the vents are not actively used. Further, he said that each unit owner not currently with a new vent should notify Walt if the vent is actively being used and a new one is desired.

Joe also discussed his desire to publish a “Care and Maintenance Guide” with respect to the new fronts on the units. In particular, it is safe to use a garden hose to periodically clean the new siding, but power washing is not recommended. With respect to unit owners wanting to purchase and install new front doors, Joe cautioned that he is still waiting to hear from the Town of Ocean City regarding code requirements, to include fire ratings, for front doors. Unit owners would be responsible for replacing newly installed front doors if an inspector discovers the door did not meet code. It is advised that unit owners wait until the Board receives the code requirements.

Joe also mentioned that several unit owners have had trouble with the handles on the new sliders. New slider handles are being ordered and all handles will be replaced with the new handles.

b. Broken Water Pipes - Update. Joe Sheare led a discussion regarding progress made in determining the delineation between the unit owner’s and the condominium’s responsibility. Mike Bufano indicated that the amended CDS By-Laws (Article 1, paragraph a.) state that “pipes that serve one Unit are not considered part of the Common Element property. In addition to the area contained in each Unit as hereinabove described, all electrical, plumbing and mechanical equipment and appurtenances located within any Unit or adjacent thereto and designed to serve only that Unit, such as appliances, air conditioners, heaters, range hoods, chimneys, outlets, electrical receptacles, fixtures, pipes, drains, doors, windows, retaining walls, and the like, shall be considered a part of and included in the Condominium Unit.” The amended By-Laws further defines General Common Elements" in (Article 3, Section 2, item (d)) as “all pipes, ducts, wires, flues, cables, conduits and public utility lines which serve more than one Unit. Consequently, the Board’s position is that anything past the turn off valve is the responsibility of the unit owner.

c. Fire Alarm System - Update. Joe Sheare updated his report from last month’s meeting. He indicated that as part of the front side renovation, each of the 3 buildings (600, 700, and 770) will have new fire boxes, bells, and associated wiring installed. He added however that with respect to the 770 building, the master control system is only 2 years old and is weather-protected, so there is no need to replace this system in the near future. However, systems for the 600 and 700 building s would have to be replaced most likely within 5 years, and also run the risk of failing any time before then. Joe stated that an estimate he received indicated that to replace the control panel and waterproof box would take less than a day and cost $1200 each. We would get a discount if both were to be replaced at the same time. The Board decided to view this as information only and deferred a voting decision until the next Board meeting.

d. Update on Estimate to Finish/Repair Carport Area. The item is covered in the EXECUTIVE SESSION minutes of the meeting.

e. Preparing for the Annual Meeting. Joe Sheare stated that the date for the Annual meeting is May 16, and it will be conducted at the Fenwick Inn, the same location as last year’s Annual meeting. Joe will send an email to all Board members for specific topics for the Annual Meeting. Joe will also contact Mann Properties to ensure timely mailing of the meeting and proxy materials. Any unit owners wishing to run for the Board should be nominated by the April meeting so that absentee ballots can be prepared in time for the Annual Meeting.


a. Fiberglass Decorations - Update. No discussion.

b. Mailboxes – Update. No discussion.


a. Capital Improvements Committee. Joe stated that the CDS By-Laws authorizes the Board to establish separate accounts, such as establishing a fund for capital improvements. The committee is currently studying the engineering report and will be assembling a plan for determining how to approach the improvements. It was agreed that the first priority would be to upgrade the fire alarm system (see paragraph c. above.), and the committee agreed to prioritize the entire list of projects in the engineering report by the next Board meeting.


7. ADJOURNMENT was at 9:15 pm.

8. NEXT CDS BOD MEETING – April 15, 2009 at 8:00 pm by conference call.


Prepared by:
John Foulkes
Casa Del Sol Board of Directors - Secretary